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Almost everyone loves roses. I mean what is not to like about them? They're red and they make great gifts on occasions that symbolize love. Everyone loves having them and the reaction that people get when they roses most particularly women is priceless. Another great thing about roses is that it adds a fiery beauty to your home. Roses are indeed a beauty but once people talk about how to grow these exquisite flowers, everything just changes in terms of tone and mood. Putting on clothes that are raggedy, gardening gloves, and getting all dirty sounds like a monumental task. Some people will go even as far just to hire a gardener to grow the roses just for them. If you are a member of this group then growing indoor roses is your thing!

Some people will try to sway you away from growing roses indoor and they will say that growing these exquisite flowers is just the same as growing outdoor roses. Well, they're liars. Growing indoor roses is easy as 1-2-3.

You first need to get yourself a couple of clay pots. Alternatively, you can also choose indoor planter or a hanging basket. Fill it with soil and dig a hole at the bottom for the roots. Place your rose in the hole and put dirt inside. You must make sure that the dirt gets to the bottom and that it surrounds all the roots. Plant it deep enough to make the crown of the rose plant rest on top of the soil.

Most roses demand many hours of exposure to sunlight each day and this might not coincide with growing roses indoors. This is probably OK since there are also varieties of roses that require less sunlight. Consult a rose expert or search online.

Miniature roses are a great way to start when growing roses indoor. As the name suggests, they are mini counterparts of rose plants. These rose types take up less room making them perfect to grow indoors plus they thrive pretty well indoors.

As compared to other flowering plants, indoor roses require more attention and care. You need to prune them consistently and this will stimulate growth on their part. When a rose flower starts to wilt, you need to cut them off right away because if not it will drain of the plant of its energy.

So there you have it, easy tips on how to grow indoor roses. Now that you know the basics, you can jump in and start growing your own rose garden. You won't be disappointed.

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